What Are Board and Train Programs? Is the Solution to Your Training Problems?

Welcome to CRT K9, where we believe every dog has the potential to be a superstar with the right training and care. Today, we’re diving deep into the world of Board and Train programs, a transformative experience for your furry friend that goes beyond the basic sit and stay. Whether you’re at your wits’ end trying to teach Fido not to jump on guests, or you simply want to ensure your pup is the best-behaved on the block, board and train might just be the solution you’ve been searching for.

german shepherd sitting in training

What are Board and Train Programs?

At its core, a Board and Train program is a comprehensive training regimen where your dog lives on-site with professional trainers for a set period. This immersive experience is designed to fast-track your dog’s learning and behavior modification in ways that occasional training sessions simply cannot match.

But why choose Board and Train over other options? It’s all about immersion. Just like humans can learn a new language more effectively by living in a country where it’s spoken, dogs learn better in constant training environments. Plus, it’s a chance for your pooch to get some R&R (Rest and Reinforcement) in a new, stimulating environment.

Our Board and Train Program

At CRT K9, our Board and Train program stands out as a premier choice for dog owners seeking transformative results. Located in the vibrant city of San Diego, we offer a tailored training experience that combines expert behavior modification, obedience training, and socialization to meet the unique needs of each dog.

Our program is led by experienced professional trainers who employ positive, reward-based methods to ensure your dog not only learns but enjoys the process. We understand every dog is different, which is why our programs are customizable, ranging from intensive two-week courses to more extended stays, based on your dog’s specific goals.

Key features of our program include:

  • Personalized Training Plans: Tailored to address your dog’s unique behavior and learning style.
  • Focused Socialization: Safe and structured interaction with other dogs to enhance social skills.
  • Ongoing Support: Comprehensive handover sessions and post-training support to ensure lasting results.

At CRT K9, we’re committed to fostering a positive and impactful learning environment for your dog, ensuring they return home with improved behavior and a stronger bond with you.

The Structure of Board and Train Programs

Board and Train programs vary in duration, typically ranging from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the goals set for your dog. Each day, your dog will follow a structured routine that includes multiple training sessions, exercise, playtime, and rest, all under the guidance of experienced trainers.

We use a variety of training methods, focusing on positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. This means treats, praise, and play are all in a day’s work, ensuring your dog not only learns but enjoys the process.

Intensive Training Environment

One of the standout benefits of Board and Train programs is the immersive, intensive training environment they provide. Unlike weekly training sessions, your dog is enveloped in a consistent learning atmosphere, receiving daily, professional guidance. This immersion accelerates learning and allows for the reinforcement of positive behaviors throughout the day. It’s akin to an intensive language course for humans—being surrounded by the subject matter speeds up comprehension and application. For dogs, this means behaviors and commands become second nature much more quickly.

Expertise of Professional Trainers

At the heart of every successful Board and Train program is the expertise of professional trainers. These individuals are not just passionate about dogs; they are meticulously trained themselves in a variety of training methods and understand canine psychology deeply. They can tailor their approach to each dog’s personality, learning style, and specific behavioral issues, ensuring the training is as effective as possible. Their skilled observation allows them to identify and mitigate potential behavioral problems before they become ingrained, providing a level of insight and intervention that is difficult to achieve in other settings.

Socialization with Other Dogs

Socialization is a critical component of your dog’s development, influencing their behavior around other dogs and humans. Board and Train programs offer a controlled environment for your dog to interact with a variety of dogs under the supervision of experienced trainers. This exposure is invaluable, helping to reduce anxiety, aggression, and fear around other dogs. It also teaches appropriate play behavior and communication with other canines, skills that are essential for a well-adjusted, sociable pet. Proper socialization in this setting prepares dogs for real-world interactions, making walks, dog park visits, and other social settings more enjoyable and less stressful for everyone involved.

Consistency in Training

Consistency is key in dog training, and it’s where Board and Train programs truly shine. The structured nature of these programs means your dog receives consistent commands, rewards, and corrections, establishing clear boundaries and expectations. This consistency extends beyond basic obedience to include daily routines, social interactions, and even feeding and rest periods, creating a holistic training experience. Such an environment reinforces learning and behavior modification effectively, leading to more lasting changes. Moreover, this consistency is maintained by professionals, ensuring that the training methods are not only effective but also humane and aligned with the latest in animal behavioral science.

Recognizing the Drawbacks

While Board and Train programs offer numerous benefits, they’re not without their drawbacks. The lack of owner involvement during the training process means you’ll need to be committed to reinforcing new behaviors at home. Additionally, some dogs might find the new environment stressful, though our team goes to great lengths to ensure every canine guest feels comfortable and safe.

Pros and Cons of Board and Train


  • Fast-tracked learning
  • Professional guidance
  • Enhanced socialization
  • A break for pet parents


  • Less owner involvement in training
  • Adjustment period for dogs
  • Variability in program quality

Preparing Your Dog for Board and Train

Before sending your dog off to boot camp, there are a few steps you can take to ensure they’re ready for the adventure. Make sure they’re up to date on vaccinations, familiarize them with being away from home by arranging short stays with friends or at a doggy daycare, and pack their favorite toy or blanket to give them a piece of home while they’re away.